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文号:江西省人民政府令 第167号

  省长 吴新雄











Decree No 167 of the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province

Administrative Measures of Jiangxi Province for Assisting Vagrants and Beggars with No Means of Support in Cities, adopted at the 1st Executive Meeting of the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province on February 23, 2008, are hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of April 1, 2008.

Governor: Wu Xinxiong

March 22, 2008

Administrative Measures of Jiangxi Province for
Assisting Vagrants and Beggars with No Means of Support in Cities

Article 1. In order to efficiently administrate the work for assisting vagrants and beggars with no means of support in cities, guarantee their basic living rights and interests and improve the social assistance systems, these Measures are enacted with a full consideration of the realities of the province and in accordance with Measures for Assisting Vagrants and Beggars with no Means of Support in Cities promulgated by the State Council.

Article 2. Vagrants and beggars with no means of support in cities (hereafter called “vagrants and beggars”) as stipulated in these Measures refer to the persons who cannot afford board and lodging themselves, have no relatives or friends to depend on, and are roaming about and begging in the cities every day.
Those who do not comply with the stipulations specified in the proceeding paragraph are not objects of the assistance despite their roaming and begging acts.

Article 3. The government at county level or above shall strengthen its leadership over the work for assisting vagrants and beggars, establishing and improving the coordination mechanism for the assistance work, taking effective measures to assist vagrants and beggars in time according to law, and incorporate the assistance funds into the fiscal budget to ensure that the assistance work gets financial allocations.
The government encourages and supports any social organization or individual to provide assistance to vagrants and beggars. Any social organization or individual that has donated properties to such assistance shall be entitled to preferential treatment in taxation.

Article 4. The municipal people’s government at county level or above shall establish assistance station for vagrants and beggars and set up special living areas for minor vagrants and beggars within the assistance station according to the actual needs. When conditions permit, organizations for assistance and protection of minor vagrants can be established. In a city where no such assistance station has been established yet, it is necessary to hold some staff members responsible for the assistance work.
The assistance station shall be conveniently located, accessible and far from dangerous areas. Besides, the assistance station shall be provided with necessary facilities, equipment and staff members for the assistance work.

Article 5. The assistances offered by an assistance station to vagrants and beggars are merely temporary social ones, which should be offered on a voluntary and free-of-charge basis. However, the assistance station shall take the initiative to assist vagrants and beggars with no capacity or with limited capacity for civil conduct.

Article 6. Civil affairs department of the people’s government at county level or above shall be responsible for the work of assisting vagrants and beggars within its administrative region. The civil affairs department of the people’s government that has established an assistance station shall perform the following duties:
(1) Guide and supervise the assistance station in its implementation of the laws, regulations, rules and policies concerning the assistance work;
(2) Offer the necessary education and training to the staff members of the assistance station;
(3) Investigate the assistance station or its staff members involved in violation of laws and disciplines, and settle the problems properly;
(4) Coordinate the assistance station with other organs and departments concerned, and help them solve the difficulties and problems encountered in practical assistance work;
(5) Perform other duties in accordance with law.

Article 7. The departments concerned of the people’s government at county level or above shall perform their respective duties in assisting vagrants and beggars according to the provisions specified below:
(1) The public security, urban management or other administrative department, if finding any vagrants and beggars, shall be obliged to inform them that they can ask for assistance in the local assistance station. As for the disabled, the minor or the aged vagrants and beggars or other such persons with difficulties in mobility, the staff members from these departments shall instruct or accompany them to the assistance station. In case the vagrants and beggars are patients in critical conditions or with mental diseases, the staff members from these departments shall send them to the medical organization specially designated by the local civil affairs department or inform the local first-aid center to immediately send them to the designated medical organization for medical treatment and meanwhile notify the local civil affairs department or assistance station of what has happened. Any person who continually pesters or forcibly begs from another person or begs by other irritating means shall be educated and persuaded to stop doing so by the public security department.
(2) The financial department shall be responsible for realizing financial allocations for assisting vagrants and beggars, make appropriate adjustments to the allocated funds with a full consideration of the actual need of the assistance in the corresponding year, while supervising whether the assistance funds were spent in accordance with law.
(3) The public health department shall designate some medical organizations to provide medical treatment services for vagrants and beggars, and give the organizations specific guidance for efficient implementation of the assistance work.
(4) The transportation or railway department shall give every possible aid to the assistance station or the civil affairs department for buying bus, train or ship tickets for the vagrants and beggars as well as sending them aboard and helping them get off a train, ship or plane.
(5) The development & reform, education, labor & social security, judicial administration departments, disabled persons’ federation as well as the relevant departments and units shall well perform their respective duties in connection with the assistance work.

Article 8. If the staff members in urban sub-district office or community residents’ committee have found any vagrant or beggar within the area under their jurisdiction, they shall tell the vagrant or beggar to ask for assistance in the local assistance station or take him/her to the station for assistance.

Article 9. Departments responsible for the administration of public places such as wharves, railway and bus stations, where there are usually more vagrants and beggars, shall give the local assistance station some necessary aids while setting up road signs to show the location and telephone number of the assistance station. The assistance station which has made public its telephone number shall assign special staff members to answer the telephone 24 hours a day.

Article 10. When asking for assistance from an assistance station, a vagrant or beggar shall faithfully provide his/her information as follows:
(1) Name, age, place of registered permanent residence, and domicile;
(2) The reason for, time and course of ,vagrancy and begging;
(3) Names, addresses, and contact methods of his/her near relatives and other relatives with close relationship;
(4) The articles he/she carries along.
If the vagrant or beggar asking for assistance is unable to provide his/her personal information since he/she is too old, too young or disabled, the assistance station shall render assistance first before finding the relevant information.
Also no assistance will be rendered to those who refuse to provide their personal information or don’t provide their personal information faithfully.

Article 11. The assistance station shall tell the vagrant or beggar asking for assistance about the scope of assisted objects and the contents of the assistance offered, and shall inquire about the information relating to the assistance needs and register the personal information of that vagrant or beggar.
If the person asking for assistance is found qualified for the assistance, he/she shall go through the formalities for acceptance by the station. The articles he/she carries along, except the living necessities, shall be kept by the station, and returned to him/her when he/she leaves the station. The explosive, poisonous, radioactive, corrosive and other dangerous articles as well as implements under control and forbidden publications that the person asking for assistance carries along shall be immediately handed over to the departments concerned for proper disposal.
If the person asking for assistance is found unqualified for it, the station will render no assistance to him/her, and meanwhile give the reasons and issue a Notice for Not Offering Assistance.

Article 12. The assistance station shall provide the following assistances according to the needs of the assisted persons:
(1) Providing food in conformity with the requirements on food hygiene;
(2) Providing a lodging place that meets the basic safety and sanitary conditions;
(3) Sending him/her to the designated medical organization for treatment in case the assisted person suddenly suffers from acute disease in the assistance station;
(4) Contacting the assisted person’s relatives or workplace;
(5) Providing him/her with a ticket or its equivalent for taking bus, train or ship in case the assisted person has no money to pay the traveling expenses for return to his/her domicile or workplace;
The assistance station shall provide the assisted persons with lodging places according to their sexes. If the assisted persons are the aged or children, they shall be arranged to live separately from other assisted persons, and each of them shall be provided with a separate bed. If the assisted persons are female, they shall be managed by female staff members.
If the assisted persons are the disabled, the minors, the aged or pregnant women, they shall be specially taken care of and protected in their daily lives.

Article 13. The assistance station shall determine the period of assistance according to the situation of an assisted person, and generally the period shall not exceed 10 days. However, under any of the following circumstances, the period may be extended if the extension has been reported for the record to the competent authority for civil affairs:
(1) The assisted person is waiting to be taken home by his/her relatives, staff members from his/her workplace, or staff members from the civil affairs department or assistance station in his/her registered permanent residence.
(2) The assisted person is receiving medical treatment.
(3) The assisted person is waiting for settlement.

Article 14. The assisted person shall follow the management rules of the assistance station and obey the staff members’ management. He or she shall not commit any of the following acts:
(1) Beat or scold the staff members of the assistance station or other assisted persons, make trouble out of nothing, or disturb the order of the assistance work;
(2) Damage the assisting facilities or equipment, or damage or steal public or personal properties;
(3) Carry or conceal any explosive, poisonous, radioactive, corrosive and other dangerous articles including controlled implements and forbidden publications;
(4) Indulge in excessive drinking, take addictive drugs or engage in gambling and other illegal or criminal activities;
(5) Commit other acts prohibited by laws, regulations and rules;
If an assisted person commits any of the acts mentioned above, the staff members in the assistance station shall stop him/her in time. In case the assisted person commits any acts in violation of the security administration regulations or is suspected of having committed a crime, the assistance station shall immediately report to the public security department for handling according to law.

Article 15. An assistance station shall, according to the situation of the assisted person, properly settle him/her down in the following ways:
(1) If the assisted person can return by himself/herself, the assistance station shall issue him/her a certificate or ticket-equivalent for taking a train, bus or ship.
(2) With respect to an assisted person who is disabled, a minor, an aged person or has difficulties in mobility, the assistance station shall notify his/her relatives or workplace to take him/her back. Where the relatives or workplace refuse to do so, if the assisted person is within the province, the civil affairs department of the place where the assisted person is currently roaming around shall notify the corresponding department of the place from which the assisted person has departed, of taking the person back to his/her relatives or workplace; if the assisted person is transprovincial, the civil affairs department of the province he or she is currently roaming around shall notify the corresponding department of the province (autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government) which the assisted person has departed from, of taking the person back to his/her relatives or workplace.
(3) With respect to an assisted person who is disabled, a minor, an aged person or has difficulties in mobility, and whose relatives or workplace can’t be found, but whose place of registered permanent residence or domicile can be ascertained, if the assisted person is within the province, the civil affairs department of the place where the assisted person is currently roaming around shall notify the corresponding department of the place from which the assisted person has departed, of taking the person back to his/her registered permanent residence or domicile for settlement; if the assisted person is transprovincial, the provincial civil affairs department shall notify the corresponding department of the province (autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government) from which the assisted person has departed, of taking the person back to his/her registered permanent residence or domicile for settlement.
(4) With respect to an assisted person who is too old, too young, or disabled, and is unable to cognize his/her acts or to express himself/herself, and therefore neither his/her relatives nor workplace nor his/her registered permanent residence or domicile can be verified, the competent authority for civil affairs of the assistance station shall put forward a settlement scheme and report to the people’s government at the corresponding level for approval or the settlement.

Article 16. The assistance station shall terminate its assistance to the assisted person under any of the following circumstances;
(1) The assisted person is found to have intentionally provided false personal information to cheat the station out of assistance.
(2) The assisted person has violated the provisions as stipulated in Section (1), Article 14 of these Measures and seriously disturbed the administrative order of the assistance station.
(3) The assistance station has properly settled down the assisted person according to the provisions in preceding paragraphs.
(4) The assisted person would not leave the assistance station without justified reasons after expiration of the period of assistance.
(5) Under the circumstance the assistance should be terminated if it is so required by relevant laws, regulations and rules.
When the assistance station terminates its assistance to the assisted person in accordance with law, it shall give the reasons, issue a Notice for Termination of Assistance, and go through the formalities for the departure of the assisted person from the station.

Article 17. Where an assisted person waives the assistance of his/her own accord and leaves the assistance station, he/she shall notify the assistance station of the waiver in advance, and the station may not restrict that assisted person.
Where an assisted person with no capacity or with limited capacity for civil conduct is to leave the assistance station, he/she must first obtain the consent of the assistance station.
An assisted person leaving the assistance station without notification shall be regarded as waiving the assistance.

Article 18. In the event that an assisted person dies during the valid period of the assistance, the assistance station shall promptly report such death to the local public security department, and the judicial identification organization or medical organization will issue a death certificate and notify his/her relatives or workplace of the death in time. If the true information related to the dead is not available, the assistance station shall promptly report it to the competent authority for civil affairs, and the latter ought properly to settle the problems arising thereafter according to the administrative regulations on funeral and interment.

Article 19. The people’s government at the township or county level of the place where the assisted person’s registered permanent residence or domicile exists, shall take measures to help the returned assisted person to solve the difficulties in production and living, and refrain him/her from roaming and begging elsewhere again; and the government shall appropriately settle the disabled, the minors and the aged that are really homeless.
The near relatives or other guardians of the assisted person who is disabled, a minor or an aged person, should perform the obligations of support and maintenance; with respect to the near relatives or other guardians that abandoned the disabled, minors or the aged, the above-mentioned government should educate and persuade them to perform the obligations of support and maintenance.
Article 20. The assistance station shall establish and perfect its various management systems such as post responsibility system, safety responsibility system and conduct codes for staff members. Furthermore, it shall carry out standardized administration and strictly implement the regulations for financial management and donation.
The assistance station shall organize its staff members to take part in various work-related trainings and take physical examinations on a regular basis.

Article 21. The assistance station shall keep a faithful record the assisted persons’ information including their acceptance by the station; departure from the station and the assistance provided, etc., and shall build up assistance achieves and take good care of them. If conditions permit, information-technology may be adopted in management of the assistance archives.

Article 22. The assistance station shall establish and perfect its mechanisms for cooperation with the public security department, urban management department, designated medical organization as well as other departments and units concerned. Meanwhile it shall intensify its efforts in exchange and share of the assistance information with departments concerned, and establish assistance information network system.
Besides, the assistance station is required to establish the mechanism to cope with various emergent accidents, such as food poisoning accident, group accident or fire accident. Preliminary programs for rapid response to such emergent accidents shall be worked out, and exercises be organized on a regular basis.

Article 23. The staff members in the assistance station should be competent enough to undertake various assistance tasks. Moreover, they should enhance their legal awareness and service awareness, and consciously abide by the following provisions:
(1) Not to detain any assisted person or do so in a disguised form;
(2) Not to beat, scold, physically punish or maltreat any assisted person;
(3) Not to extort, blackmail or misappropriate any property of the assisted person;
(4) Not to embezzle the living supplies of any assisted person’;
(5) Not to withhold the certificate, complaint or accusation materials of any assisted person;
(6) Not to appoint any assisted person to assume any administration work;
(7) Not to use any assisted person to do private work for themselves;
(8) Not to drink wine during work time;
(9) Not to take liberties with any woman;
Any staff member who violates the provisions mentioned above shall be given sanctions; in case that a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

Article 24. The assistance station shall put a box for complaints at the eye-catching place and make public the complaint telephone number of the competent authority for civil affairs so as to accept social supervision.
Where an assistance station fails to perform its assistance duties according to law, the person asking for assistance may disclose and report it to the competent authority for civil affairs. The competent authority for civil affairs shall, after verifying the case, order that assistance station to provide assistance in time, and give sanctions to the personnel in charge held directly liable and other directly liable personnel.

Article 25. If the competent authority for civil affairs fails to accept the report from the person asking for assistance in time, fails to order the assistance station to perform its duties in time, or fails to refer to the local people’s government the matter of settling the assisted person who should be settled, the personnel in charge held directly liable and other directly liable personnel shall be given sanctions according to law.

Article 26. Whoever coerces or induces someone to beg, or continually pesters or forcibly begs from him or her or begs by other irritating means is in violation of the security administration regulations; he/she shall be penalized by the public security department according to law on violation of security administration regulations. Whoever organizes the disabled or a minor under the age of fourteen to beg by means of violence or coercion shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

Article 27. These measures shall go into effect as of April 1, 2008.









第一章 总 则

第一条 为了加强我市政府采购管理,规范政府采购行为,根据财政部《政府采购管理暂行办法》、《政府采购合同监督暂行办法》、《政府采购招标投标管理暂行办法》、《政府采购运行规程暂行规定》和财政部、中国人民银行《政府采购资金财政直接拨付管理暂行办法》的有关规定,制定本办法。

第二条 北海市市级国家机关、实行预算管理的单位和社会团体(以下统称采购机关),使用财政性资金实施政府采购,适用本办法。前款所称财政性资金包括预算内资金、预算外资金、政府专项资金以及采购机关按照政府采购拼盘项目的要求安排的自有资金。

第三条 本办法所称的政府采购。是指采购机关以购买、租赁、委托或雇用等方式获取货物、工程和服务的行为。

第四条 有下列情形之一的政府采购,不适用本方法:

第二章 组织机构

第五条 我市政府采购组织机构包括政府采购领导机构、政府采购管理机构、政府采购机关。 采购机关分为集中采购机关和非集中采购机关。

第六条 北海市政府采购领导小组是我市政府采购的领导机构,对我市政府采购工作进行统一领导,负责政府采购工作的实施、政策的协调和重大事项的决策。

第七条 北海市财政局是我市政府采购的管理机构,负责政府采购的政策制定和监督管理,不参与政府采购中的具体商业活动。其主要职责是:

第八条 北海市政府采购中心是北海市政府采购的集中采购机关,负责执行市级年度集中采购计划,主要职责是:1、根据政府采购预算编制集中采购目录;2、组织实施集中采购,即纳入集中采购目录的政府采购活动;3、审查批准政府采购供应商资格;4、审查批准社会中介机构取得本市政府采购业务的代理资格;5、确定政府采购项目的具体采购方式;6、受其他采购机关委托,代其组织采购事宜;7、指导非集中采购机关组织政府采购活动;8、收集、发布和统计政府采购信息;9、办理市财政局交办的其他政府采购事宜。

第九条 非集中采购机关主要职责是:负责本单位政府采购预算和计划的编报;负责填报集中采购项目清单及申报集中采购事项;组织实施分散采购活动;负责编报分散采购的政府采购信息统计报表,市财政局确定的其他政府采购事宜。

第三章 集中采购和分散采购

第十条 政府采购组织形式分为集中采购和分散采购。

第十一条 我市政府采购实行集中采购目录管理,集中采购目录由市政府采购中心按年度编制并提交市政府采购领导小组审批后,公布实施。

第十二条 集中采购和分散采购事务经市财政局批准可以委托具备政府采购业务代理资格的社会中介机构承办。

第十三条 非集中采购机关之间在实施分散采购时可以组织联合采购。

第四章 政府采购程序

第十四条 政府采购程序包括:编制和批准政府采购预算;制定政府采购计划,确定政府集中采购目录;确定并执行采购方式;签订和履行采购合同;验收和结算等。

第十五条 政府采购预算是部门预算(或单位财务收支计划)的组成部分。采购机关应按财政部门规定的内容和格式编制政府采购预算表,报市财政局审核。

第十六条 市财政局依据批复的政府采购预算,编制市级政府采购计划,并批复给各采购机关。
政府采购计划是政府采购预算的具体实施方案,是年度政府采购执行和考核的依据。政府采购 计划主要内容包括:集中采购和分散采购项目、采购方式、采购时间、资金支付办法等。其中,属于集中采购目录的项目由市政府采购中心组织实施。

第十七条 集中采购基本程序:
(五)政府采购中心制定采购实施方案,按规定组织实施采购活动,政府采购中心确定采购方案后,采购机关不得更改,特别是不能更改商品的品 牌及规格型号。

第十八条 分散采购的操作程序由采购机关按财政部《政府采购运行规程暂行规定》和本办法的有关规定办理。

第五章 政府采购方式

第十九条 政府采购(包括集中采购和分散采购)采用以下采购方式:

第二十条 公开招标采购方式的限额标准(以下简称“限额标准”)按以下标准执行:

第二十一条 限额标准以上但符合下列情况之一的采购项目,经市财政局批准,采购机关可以采用邀请招标采购方式:

第二十二条 实行公开招标方式和邀请招标方式的,应当按《中华人民共和国招标投标法》和《政府采购管理暂行办法》等有关法律、规章规定的程序及要求,编制标书、刊登公告或发招标邀请、接收投标、组织开标、评标和定标,并按规定向市 财政局提交采购合同等有关备案文件招标文件。应当经采购机关确定,采购机关对招标文件的真实性负责。

第二十三条 限额标准以上但符合下列情况之一的采购项目,经市财政局批准,采购机关可以采用竞争性谈判采购方式:

第二十四条 采取竞争性谈判方式的,应当遵循下 列基本程序:
(一)成立谈判小组。市政府采购中心或中介机构应当按照规定组成谈判小组作为竞争性谈判的谈判人。 谈判小组成员不得少于3人。
(六)定标。 谈判结束后,谈判人应当要求所有参加谈判的供应商在规定时间内提出最后报价,谈判人依据评标标准确定中标供应商。同时,将中标结果通知所有参加谈判的未中标供应商。

第二十五条 限额标准以上但符合下列情况之一的采购项目,经市财政局批准,采购机关可采用询价采购方式:

第二十六条 采取询价采购方式的,应当遵循下 列基本程序:
(一)成立询价小组 市政府采购中心或中介机构应当组成不少于3人的询价小组,作为询价采购的询价人,询价人应当就价格构成和定标标准等事项作出统一规定。

第二十七条 限额标准以上但符合下列情况之一的采购项目,经市财政局批准,采购机关可以采用单一来源采购方式:

第二十八条 采用单一来源采购方式应当遵守下列基本程序:
(三)将上述材料报送市财政局审查,经市财 政局批准后,才能进行采购活动。

第二十九条 未达到第二十条规定限额标准以上的公务用车维修、加油、保险、大宗印刷、低值易耗品、办公用品以及外事接待、各类会议等政府采购项目可实行定点采购。

第三十条 实行定点采购,应当遵循下列程序:

第三十一条 采购机关采购限额标准以上的分散采购项目,应当委托市政府采购中心组织采购。

第三十二条 用国际组织、外国政府或者外国法人、其他经济组织及个人的贷款、赠款进行采购的项目,贷款人对采购方式有约定的,在不违反国家规定的前提下,从其约定。

第六章 政府采购合同

第三十三条 采购机关和供应商之间的权利和义务,应当以书面合同方式规定。政府采购合同的内容由采购机关与供应商平等协商约定,但市财政局依法规定政府采购合同必需具备的条款,必须在合同中反映。

第三十四条 政府采购合同原则上应当由采购机关与中标供应商签订,也可以由采购机关委托上级预算单位或招标机构与中标供应商签订,但应当在合同条款中明确各自的责任,包括采购机关负责组织验收的责任。

第三十五条 政府采购合同内容一经确定,采购机关应将合同草案的有关文件报市财政局。市财政局收列合同草案7个工作日后如无异议,采购机关方可签订合同。采购机关在合同签订后7日内将合同副本报市财政局备案。

第三十六条 采购合同当事人应当全面履行合同规定的义务,任何一方不得擅自变更或者解除合同。在合同履行过程中,如因特殊情况需要变更或终止合同的,采购机关应当将变更或终止合同的理由及相应措施书面报市财政局备案。

第三十七条 政府采购合同履行中,采购机关需另行采购与合同标的相同的货物、工程和服务的,经市财政局同意,在不变更合同其他条款的前下,可以与供应商协商签订补充的采购合同。但补充的合同涉及的采购金额不得超过合同采购金额的百分之三十。

第七章 验收与付款

第三十八条 验收人员应当在验收书上签署“合格”或“不合格”字样,并签署验收人姓名,以证明验收合格与否,并承担相应的法律责任。

第三十九条 采购机关按照合同约定需要向供应商付款时,应当按本办法第八章政府采购资金支付的有关规定,向市财政局提交拨款申请及有关文件,申请支付。

第八章 政府采购资金的支付

第四十条 政府采购资金拨付方式主要有财政直接拨付和分散(授权)拨付两种形式。

第四十一条 财政直接拨付是指市财政局按照政府采购合同约定,将政府采购资金通过代理银行(国有商业银行或股份制商业银行)直接支付给中标供应商的拨款方式。市财政局在代理银行按规定开设用于政府采购资金的专户(以下统称政府采购资金专户)。任何部门不得自行开设政府采购资金专户。财政直接拨付具体形式有财政全额直接拨付、财政差额直接拨付和政府采购卡支付方式。

第四十二条 分散(授权)拨付方式,是指在全面实行财政直接拨付方式之前,按照现行预算拨款管理体制,由采购机关自行将采购资金拨付给中标供应商。

第四十三条 市级集中采购项目实行财政全额直接拨付方式。分散采购项目实行财政直接拨付方式或实行分散(授权)拨付方式的具体项目和范围,由市财政局随年度政府采购计划一并下达给一级预算单位。

第四十四条 实行财政直接拨付方式的政府采购资金在不改变单位预算级次和单位会计管理职责的前提下,由市财政局在政府采购计划下达后按预算额度将采购资金预留在政府采购资金专户,不再拨给采购机关。

第四十五条 财政直接拨付方式的具体操作程序:


(二)支付申请。采购机关根据合同约定需要付款时,应当在合同规定付款日期前,提前10个工作日向市财政局提交政府采购顶算拨款申请书和有关采购文件。其中,实行差额支付方式,必须 经市财政局确认已先支付单位自有资金和批准留用预算外资金后,方可提出支付预算资金申请。
采购文件主要包括:市财政局批复的采购预算 (计划)、采购合同副本、验收结算书或质量验收报告、采购机关已支付应分担资金的付款凭证、采购发货票、供应商银行账户及市财政局要求的其它资料。


第四十六条 属于财政直接拨付范围且实行项目法人责任制的工程采购项目,应当通过一级预算单位向市财政局提出拨款申请。

第四十七条 市财政局对于履约时间较长或采购资金量较大或分期分批支付的项目,可以要求采购机关制定资金划拨计划,将预算外资金和单位自筹资金分期分批划入政府采购资金专户。

第四十八条 采购过程中,因特殊情况导致采购资金增加时,增加的资金由市财政局和采购机关按事先确定的各自应负担的比例补足。其中,属于政府采购资金专户管理的项目,应当将增加的资金划入政府采购资金专户。

第四十九条 实行财政直接拨付办法后,节约的预算资金原则上留在银行国库,用于平衡预算。预算外资金及单位自筹资金按各自负担比例原渠道划还采购机关。

第五十条 实行分散(授权)拨付方式的财政性资金拨款事宜,由一级预算单位根据部门预算安排编制分月用款计划报市财政局,经审核无误后办理拨款手续。

第五十一条 政府采购资金专户发生的利息收入,原则上由市财政局按有关程序全额作为收入缴入国库。

第五十二条 采购机关要加强政府采购资金财务会计核算工作。根据政府采购资金入账通知单,认真做好有关财务会计记帐工作。

第九章 财务处理

第五十三条 政府采购资金入账通知单是政府采购财政预算拨款和财政专户拨款的凭证.采购机关据此做账务处理凭证;供应商开具的发票,送采购机关作为账务处理凭证。

第五十四条 年终,采购机关应将政府采购支出与本单位的经费支出合并向财政部门编报决算。

第五十五条 具体财务处理办法由市财政局根据暂行办法另行规定。

第十章 监督检查

第五十六条 市财政局和一级预算单位要建立经常性的政府采购工作监督检查制度。除政府采购预算中的采购项目作为每年专项审计检查内容外,市财政局还要定期或不定期对其他采购活动进行审计检查。

第五十七条 财政部门可以根据工作需要,会同有关部门组织专家对采购机关的政府采购项目的运行情况进行评估,提出评审意见 一级预算单位要加强系统内部政府采购工作的管理,及时发现并纠正管理工作中存在的问题,确保各项规定的贯彻落实。

第五十八条 对检查中发现的问题,市财政局、审计局、监察局等部门要按照有关规定予以处理。

第五十九条 审计部门和监察部门应当依法对政府采购活动进行监督。其中,采用公开招标、邀请招标、竞争性谈判方式的,监察部门要进行全过程监督。

第六十条 供应商对采购机关政府采购范围、方式、文件内容、说明及合同变更或补充等有疑问的,可以向市财政局提出质询或投诉。市财政局对此应及时予以答复。

第六十一条 采购机关应当对每项采购活动作出记录并保存两年。采购记录应当接受市财政局的检查。采购记录至少应包括下列内容:
(三)采购方式。 采用公开招标以外采购方式的,应当载明选择采购方式的原因;

第六十二条 财政部门发现正在进行的政府采购严重违反规定,给国家、社会公众和当事人利益造成重大损害或导致采购无效的,应当责令采购机关停止采购或者暂停资金拨付,并及时作出处理。

第六十三条 市财政局、政府采购中心、采购机关的工作人员,不履行本办法的规定.徇私舞弊,玩忽职守的,由有关行政机关给予行政处分,触犯刑律的,移交司法机关处理。

第六十四条 对财政部门作出的处罚,当事人不服的,可以依法申请行政复议或提起行政诉讼。

第十一章 附 则

第六十五条 一县三区政府采购事宜可参照本办法执行。

第六十六条 本办法由北海市财政局负责解释。

第六十七条 本办法自2002年5月1日起施行。


